Cronofy Guides Center
Here you can find everything related to setting up and using Cronofy.
If you can't find your answer here, please reach out to our support anytime and we'll be happy to help.

First steps
Learn how to sign up, setup an OU, and the basic settings.
Creating Groups
Learn how to create groups of hiring managers to conduct interviews
Availability options
There are three different types of availability you can share with the candidate
Public Links and Templates
Use public links and templates for fast and accessible event creation.
Settings and Preferences
All settings and preference options explained
Create scheduling links
Learn how to schedule events for yourself or others.
Manage your requests
Track all your requests and learn how to edit them.
Reschedule or cancel interviews
How cancelling and rescheduling work in Cronofy.
Separate invites
Set up and schedule with your separate invite templates.
Multi-event Scheduling
Learn how to create multiple events with Cronofy.
Add users
How to add users to an Cronofy organization unit, manually or automatically.
Set up and manage your organizational settings
Learn how to manage users and your organization within Cronofy. Like setting up availability, user roles, and more.
Set up and manage your integrations
Connect seamlessly with integrations like Zoom, Okta, and your ATS
Enterprise Connect
Sync all or a subset of your organizations users with a few simple clicks.