Manage Requests
All the important information you need to manage your requests or that of your team. Learn how to reschedule, edit and more. First you need to earn about the place you can perform all thso actions, the Dashboard.

A quick Look
Your dashboard is located under the "Requests" tab on your Cronofy home page and displays all requests scheduled using Cronofy.
From here, you can perform various actions and searches, providing you with a powerful overview of your tasks.
- Search and filter bar.
- Export. (max 100 requests ? )
- Request and their status.
Clicking on an individual event opens it, allowing you to view more detailed information and edit it.

Request details
When you click on an individual request it will show you all the details of that request so you can keep track of their status.
What you can find:
- Title of the request.
- Who created the request and at what time.
- The timezone in which you are viewing the event(s) of the request.
- Invitee of the request.
- Date and time of the event(s).
- Host of the event.
- Attendees of the event.
- Duration and conferencing.
- Event description (also for separate invites).
This is also where you can cancel and reschedule a request.
Searching and Filtering
Use the search bar to locate events by host or invitee email. Combine this with filters to refine your results further.
Filter by organization if you belong to multiple organizational units, and by the status of the request.
Create and apply custom tags for additional filtering options.
You can download a .csv file containing all requests or just the filtered ones displayed on your dashboard.

Appointment Status
Status Phases
All requests have status phases that indicate their current status:
Pending: The request has been sent to the invitee and is awaiting a time selection.
Scheduled: The invitee has selected a slot, and the appointment is scheduled.
Done: The appointment has taken place and is completed.
Expired: The request was sent out, but the invitee did not select a slot within the given timeframe.
Canceled: The appointment was canceled. If rescheduled, the new appointment will appear further up.
Pending Rescheduling: The appointment is awaiting a new time slot after a reschedule request.
Declined: The invitee has declined the request.
Host Declined: The host has declined the request.
Invitee Unavailable: The invitee is not available at any of the proposed times.
More Times Requested: The invitee has requested additional time options.

Edit a request
You can now edit a request by following these steps:
- Go into the Cronofy dashboard.
- Select the Requests tab from the left hand menu.
- Click on any scheduled request to open it.
- You can edit the request by clicking the pencil icon next to the request.
- Remember to click Save once done. After this the calendar invite(s) will be updated.
❗ Please note that the title of a separate invite for an invitee cannot be updated yet. So if the old host name is in the title, it is better to cancel and create a new request with the new host.
Editing the title, event description, date/time
You can edit any of these field on the page and save them directly on the page. The changes will be pushed to the calendar events.
Who can edit?
- The creator of the request and the person the request was scheduled on behalf of.
- Scheduler admin and owner: edit any event.
Any preferences such as limits, buffers, or working hours are not taken into account when editing the date and/or time.

Host editing
Updating the Host for Scheduled and Pending Requests
You can update the host for both scheduled and pending requests.
For scheduled requests, when you change the host, the system will disregard the new host's preferences (such as minimum notice, working hours, and limits). The change will be reflected in the calendar invite. You can switch from a host selected by a rule to a specific host, or from one specific host to another.
Once the host is updated, the new host will receive an email notification about the event, while the previous host will have the event removed from their calendar. If the person making the change is different from the original event creator, the creator will be notified about the update.
For pending requests, when you change the host, the system will apply the original request's availability settings (such as working hours, custom hours, or specific time slots) to the new host. You can update the host to another specific host or change it based on a selection rule, but this can only be done before the event is officially scheduled.
Please note that you cannot edit the host while a request is in pending rescheduling status.

Canceling and Rescheduling
Canceling a request:
You can cancel a request by opening the request from the dashboard, scrolling all the way to the bottom and clicking "cancel".
An invitee can cancel the invite from the link they receive per email after and event was scheduled. Or decline the meeting in the initial scheduling request.
In both cases all participant are informed per email.
Conduct easy rescheduling as a host by opening the event from the dashboard and clicking "Cancel and Reschedule". The event will be canceled in order to remove it from everyone's calendars.
Invitees can reschedule if the option is set before sending the invite link.
See our in-depth guides on Canceling and Rescheduling for more details.

Can I see the Host and Invitee name at a glance in the Dashboard?
Yes, you can hover over their initials and the full email and name will be displayed. "Scheduled as private" means the event has been scheduled using a separate invite.
Can other attendees cancel or reschedule an event?
No, only the Host and/or Invitee can perform these actions.
What are the Time and Created columns showing?
Time is the actual time the event is scheduled. The Created is the time the scheduling request was created. Both are displaying your current timezone.