From small to large enterprises and across all industries, keeping up with a busy schedule is time-consuming and a considerable source of stress.

Having one platform to book and manage all appointments can ease the burden of an increasingly busy professional life.

With a 24/7 online scheduling system, client management, unlimited appointments, and many other features, TimeTap has taken on the challenge of eliminating time-consuming administrative tasks, allowing companies to focus on the growth of their businesses. TimeTap’s scheduling solutions are used by companies around the world to help manage their increasing workload efficiently.

TimeTap allows their users to publish their schedule and have an unlimited number of bookings at any given time. Using their easy scheduler – that can be either hosted on their platform or embedded on their users’ websites – customers can book appointments online. Once the appointments are made, email notifications and text reminders are sent automatically enabling users and their customers to stay connected.

The Challenge

TimeTap is always looking to improve their service by listening and responding to the needs of its customers. Users can publish their availability, manage their schedule, and book appointments online. However, it still meant having to manage multiple calendars.

In their pursuit to streamline their scheduling solutions even further, the team at TimeTap decided to offer their users the possibility to sync their calendars with the application. For users who choose to sync their calendars, the time picker needs to reflect its user’s schedule in real-time as well as the need for the feature to work with all calendar providers used worldwide.

While an integration with Google calendar was already in place, they needed expertise in integrating with Exchange, Office 365, and

Building two-way calendar sync features that work with all major calendar providers can take months, while the maintenance of those connections is ongoing for developers.

This prompted them to seek a partnership that enables them to provide real-time calendar sync features to their users and that’s what brought them to Cronofy.

The Solution

The team at TimeTap use the Cronofy Calendar API to allow their users to sync their calendars with the online platform in real-time.

Users are given the choice to sync their calendars with the online application. When setting up, users are prompted to authorize Cronofy to connect to their calendar of choice. TimeTap uses this information to display their existing events and display their availabilities when customers want to book an appointment.

When scheduling is managed via TimeTap any changes will be added to the calendar synced with the application. It all happens in real time, which means there is no risk of double-bookings or appointments being missed.

Full calendar sync from Cronofy has enabled the team at TimeTap to reach customers worldwide no matter what calendar provider they are using.

Create great scheduling features with full calendar sync from Cronofy

Take the hassle out of integrating with individual calendar providers with the Cronofy Calendar API.

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