Add Smart Scheduling to Your Real Estate Software

Book in real-time

Real estate agents can connect their calendars to your real estate software with Cronofy. Clients can then book viewings based on their real-time availability.

Whenever changes are made, everyone can be notified as soon as it happens.

Should an appointment need to be rescheduled, the viewing slot will reopen in real time, allowing someone else to book it instead.

For open houses, your customers could create time slots that automatically close when enough people have chosen it. This stops too many people turning up at one time.

Generate booking links

Real-Time Scheduling allows estate agents to generate a booking link – based on their real-time availability – that they can send to interested viewers.

The length of time for viewings can be adjusted to reflect the size and interest in a property, and because it updates in real-time, there’s no danger of any double-bookings.

Scheduling links can also be added directly to online property profiles on real estate listing websites. Potential buyers can book their viewing in seconds without having to send an email or request a phone call.

Add a booking interface to your software

Provide your users with a booking interface where their customers can schedule appointments with our Slot Picker. It’s a JavaScript UI element that you can add to your software quickly and easily.

Estate agents can indicate when they’re available for viewings with Availability Rules. Any rules chose will be reflected in the booking interface, meaning that estate agents won’t find themselves double-booked and can keep times that they need open available.

Know where to go

When potential buyers are unfamiliar with an area, it can make them late if they get lost, messing up estate agents’ schedules.

With Cronofy’s geolocation feature, location details can be added to a calendar event to make getting to a viewing super easy. With maps just a click away on any smartphone, it’s never been easier to find where to go.

Notifications can also be set up to be sent when it’s time to leave, based on the user’s location and current traffic.