Schedule any type of interview from BambooHR
Now you can schedule 1:1s and panel interviews, for yourself or on behalf of your hiring managers directly from BambooHR using Cronofy.
No more emailing back and forth or playing calendar Tetris.
Enjoy a 90 day trial
Try Cronofy for 90 days and then pay as low as $15 per month at the end of your trial.
You also pay nothing when there's no active usage on your account, perfect for low-hiring seasons.
Schedule without leaving BambooHR
Quickly generate scheduling links personalized for each candidate and send emails from any of your interview invitation templates in BambooHR.

Keep track of your candidates with automatic updates
Say goodbye to your scheduling blindspots. See when candidates schedule interviews with your team, directly from your BambooHR account.

Add scheduling superpowers to your BambooHR account
Cronofy is the most advanced and reliable interview scheduling tool on the market. That's why we are the only partner for interview scheduling with BambooHR.
Now you can easily distribute interviews across a pool of interviewers.
You can book over blocked times on hiring managers' calendars and can combine multiple calendars in one view, no polling required.
Time to stop doing admin and start focusing on your candidates.