Track accepts and declines with smart ICS attachments

ICS attachments that are smarter
Get notified when recipients accept or decline invites. When you create a Cronofy Smart invite, you provide a call back URL for our platform to post updates to.
So whenever a recipient accepts, declines or even proposes a new time, your application is kept in the loop. Unlocking new communication and workflow possibilities for your customers.
Trigger an auto confirm when someone accepts or a rescheduling option when someone declines. Whatever makes sense for your domain you can now do.

ICS attachments that actually work
No more sending someone an invite that they have to manually add to their calendar or giving them a manual download. Cronofy Smart Invites can be attached to emails you send so that they automatically get added to the recipients calendar. Just like any other calendar invite.
Improve no-show rates, stop double booking and help your users organize their schedules.