Once logged into your Cronofy account, you can set your scheduling preferences.

The preferences you set in your account will be the default when you send interview invites. However, you can always override them when you create the interview link in BambooHR.


I would like to offer any free slots during my working hours to candidates

You don't need to change anything as Cronofy will look at your real-time calendar availability and offer all slots that are 'free' in your calendar to the candidate.

The default working hours that are taken into consideration are 9am until 5pm in your own timezone.

I work with specific blocks allocated for interviews

In case you work with allocated blocks to accommodate interviews, you can drag and drop the times to only include these, so that Cronofy won't offer any slots outside of these blocks.

For example, you may agree to conduct interviews only on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. In this case, you could set up your Working Hours like below.

Other settings

Duration - We advise to adjust this to the duration of your most common interview.

Scheduling period - For screening interviews we recommend 3 or 7 days to speak to candidates faster. For interviews such as panel interviews that require more preparation we recommend 14 days.

Buffers - If you want to provide maximum availability to candidates it is best to keep your buffers at '0'. When you create a 10 min buffer and you have a meeting from 10am - 11am the next possible slot for the candidate will be 12pm.