Invite your hiring managers into Cronofy

We recommend you invite your recruiters (who will be actively using the tool to schedule) as well as any other interviewers and hiring managers, so you can start scheduling for them.

Manually invite your hiring managers (and recruiters)

No need to get IT involved with syncing calendars, just enter your hiring manager's email address and send from your Cronofy dashboard.

They'll get a sign-in link valid for 48 hours with no further setup required from them.

Auto-onboard your hiring managers (and recruiters)

Skip sending invites and automatically add several hiring managers and recruiters into Cronofy at once.

First, manually invite (see above) an IT admin who'll authorize Cronofy to access your organization's calendar, then sync directory users to access your colleagues' calendars from within Cronofy.

You can also allow Cronofy to create accounts for your directory users.

Guide for Google Workspace

Guide for Microsoft Graph (Office 365) and EWS

More information on Data, Security and Privacy:


Cronofy is free to use until 31 December 2023.

After that, you will be billed based on how many active users* you have been scheduling for. We don't charge per seat to allow you to have interchangeable users every month.

An active user* is a person for whom the event has been created in their calendar.