Personalized scheduling for Hubspot

Show your prospects and customers that you care by saving them the hassle of filling out their details every time you want them to book a call with you. Allow contacts to book in with two simple clicks.

The Scheduler Chrome browser extension works with Hubspot to bring seamless, personalized scheduling to your CRM. Make a lasting impression by delivering a better customer experience with the Scheduler.

An illustration of a smiling woman at her desk, with floating heads of people she is due to meet hovering around her screen.

Video conferencing support for

Scheduling at your fingertips


Use the Scheduler Chrome browser extension for integrated scheduling directly from Hubspot.

Combined Availability
With Cronofy you aren't limited to 1:1 meetings. If you need to include your colleagues when meeting with a prospect or customer. Their availability can also be added to the invite, so it'll only offer times when everyone is free.
Show that you care
Don't ask clients and prospects to fill in their information when you invite them to book a time in your calendar. Send them scheduling links personalized with their details.
Build stronger relationships
Great business is about building great relationships. Hassle-free scheduling is an opportunity to further relationships with good etiquette and great first and lasting impressions.
No need to fill out details
When you schedule a meeting using the Cronofy browser extension from within Hubspot, the contact details are filled in automatically - you set up the link in two clicks and they receive a personalized request.

How it works

Create a meeting request link from Hubspot in just two clicks. It automatically fills out your contact's details for you, saving your time and theirs! Install our browser extension for Chrome to use the Scheduler's Hubspot integration.

Follow these simple steps to start scheduling meetings:

Compose new message

From the Contact view in Hubspot,  begin composing a message to a client or prospect.

A demo of how the Scheduler Chrome Extension works with Hubspot, saving you the need to toggle between tabs.

Open extension

Use the Scheduler icon on the browser tool bar to open the Scheduler browser extension.

Create the link and send

Your contact's details will be automatically filled out, so you just confirm the details for the meeting and generate the link in two clicks to insert into your message. It's that simple!

A demo showing the slot picker the contact will see when they receive a scheduling link.

Combine and share multiple people's availability

Our Combined Availability feature lets you add contacts to your Scheduler and include these Connect Contacts’ real-time availability in the meeting requests you create.

Showing your invitees that you care doesn’t have to be limited to 1:1 meetings.

The Combined Availability can be used from your Cronofy Scheduler but also from the browser extension, Outlook Add-in and Zendesk App, making scheduling easy no matter what tool you are using.

Learn more about Combined Availability >>

Cronofy works with

and many more...

Bring the Scheduler's features to the applications and tools that you use every day

Share availability without
compromising on security

With the Scheduler you and your Connected Contacts only share free/busy information for the period of time that you set.

Choose from fixed periods - from a week up to a year. We make it easy to prolong the sharing if you wish but the decision should be made by you or your organization. It's important that your calendar events remain private and that you are in control of your availability and how long you share it for.

ISO27001 certified

ISO27018 certified

ISO27701 certified

SOC 2 attested

GDPR compliant

CCPA compliant

HIPAA compliant

It's time to leave those scheduling headaches behind

What are you waiting for? Get started today.

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