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February 6, 2015

Icons of Time sticker series

Just in from the printers are the first productions of the Icons of Time Cronofy sticker series. While it's de rigueur for tech companies to have stickers sporting their logo, we've decided to add to that with something a bit more fun but still on topic.Over the coming months and years we'll be releasing several series of limited run sticker sheets featuring iconic images on the theme of time. F

Icons of time, Cronofy style

Just in from the printers are the first productions of the Icons of Time Cronofy sticker series. While it's de rigueur for tech companies to have stickers sporting their logo, we've decided to add to that with something a bit more fun but still on topic.Over the coming months and years we'll be releasing several series of limited run sticker sheets featuring iconic images on the theme of time. For the first series we've included a couple of timeless classics: a police box and a Delorean, two things that are irrevocably linked to the joys of time travel. Even better, you can use the additional stickers to be creative and make your own scenes or simply utilise the space available to you.

Adventures in time

If your laptop is missing a Delorean leaving flame trails behind or your tablet is incomplete without a police box coupled with time vortex, then drop us an email at developers@cronofy.com or a tweet @cronofy and we'll send you a sheet or two.(As we only have a limited run, we may need to give priority to those of you that have at least kicked the tyres on our API - but you never know, you might get lucky regardless. Give it a shot).

Share the joy

And, of course tweet us pictures of any and all the things you do with your stickers (@cronofy is the user to name), or share via your social network of choice. We're looking forward to seeing where they end up and how many we can spot in the wild.


For those who've been asking, Nic Hinton (@karoshikula) is the splendidly talented designer and illustrator we have to thank. We're looking forward to partnering with Nic more in the future for more fantastic sticker designs!

Adam is CEO and co-founder of Cronofy, the unified calendar API.

Cronofy reviews sourced by G2