HR Tech Virtual 2022

Candidate Expectations Report

To help recruiters understand candidates better and improve their processes, we surveyed 6,500 candidates who had applied for a job in the past 12 months. We wanted to hear directly from the candidates themselves about their preferences, frustrations and expectations in the hiring process.

The results of this survey give recruiters and talent acquisition teams real insight into what candidates expect and want. We found a clear link between scheduling, candidate engagement and the perception of a potential employer!

Find out why you're losing talent during hiring and improve your processes by reading our free report - no email needed!

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Global brands that already trust Cronofy

"Hiring is part of your brand. I think people see brand in terms of marketing, they see it in terms of culture, but they don't always align it to how they hire... getting people to understand that hiring is part of your brand is key."

David Smith
Leading speaker on People Engagement & Business Performance
candidates expect to wait a week or less for an interview
candidates say the process of interview scheduling
affect perception of an employer
of senior candidates have left the process because of scheduling delays

Key regions infographics

To better understand candidate expectations and experiences for a specific region you can delve into the data in our infographics for each territory below.


Candidate hiring expectations infographic


Candidate hiring expectations infographic


Candidate hiring expectations infographic


Candidate hiring expectations infographic

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